Capt. Gwen Fulton Law Enforcement Scholarship

Award Amount: $1,000


The applicant must:

  • Be a graduating high school senior
  • Have a GPA of 2.5 or higher
  • Plan to major in Law Enforcement, Criminology, or Psychology
  • Enroll as a full-time student at an accredited college or university

Essay Requirement:

The application must be submitted with a minimum 250- word essay (typed and double-spaced) addressing one of the following topics:

  • In Today’s Political Climate, How Do You Plan to Use Your Degree to Bring About Changes or Bridge Gap?
  • Assuming that the Criminal Justice System is Broken, How Would You Contribute to its Repair?
  • What Are Your Ideas on the Emerging Concept of Defunding the Police?
  • How Would You Improve the Relationship Between Law Enforcement and Communities that are Consistently at the Hands of Police Brutality?


The Captain Gwendolyn Fulton Law Enforcement Scholarship was established in 2018. Captain Fulton spent 33 years in law enforcement creating policies regarding highway safety. She is the highest-ranking Black officer in the history of Georgia Department of Transportation and Department of Motor Vehicle Safety Enforcement Divisions. Her goal is to assist young people pursuing Law Enforcement or Criminology degrees with the cost of furthering their education.

All high school and college graduates must complete the Graduate Information Form for inclusion in graduate recognition activities.