What is
Frank Jones MSC?
The Frank Jones Memorial Scholarship Commission (FJMSC) was established in 1991 in honor of our late pastor, Rev. Frank Jones of The Greater Piney Grove Baptist Church (GPGBC). The purpose of the FJMS Commission is to encourage all graduating high school seniors who are members of GPGBC to further their education through a two (2) or four (4) year accredited institution of higher learning.
The committee’s first Chairman was Ms. Joyce Brown (1991-2004), and the Vice Chairman was Mrs. Miranda Mack McKenzie. Some of the first members were Ms. Willie Wilson, Ms. Cheryl Slater, Deacon Darryl Frazier, Eldred Taylor MD, Mrs. Janet Manning, Mr. Clifford Hepburn, Mrs. Carolyn Wilkinson, Dea. Art Brown, Mr. Linton Mack, Ms. Maxine Tanker, and Mrs. Sandra Lawton.
In 2005, the Scholarship Committee was restructured and renamed “The Frank Jones Memorial Scholarship Commission” (FJMSC). The GPGBC senior pastor, Dr. William E. Flippin, Sr., was selected as Chairman, and Mrs. Miranda Mack McKenzie was selected as Vice-Chairman. An endowment for the Scholarship Commission was established in 2006 to ensure funding was available for future scholarships.
In 2007, The William E. Flippin, Sr. Leadership Award was established to recognize one (1) student who has excelled academically, as well as through leadership and service. In November 2014, the commission began seeking non-profit status to offer scholarships to the community that GPGBC serves. On March 15, 2015, the FJMSC was approved as a 501© (3) non-profit entity. As a result of its new status, the commission worked to expand its scholarship offerings and was proud to announce the addition of five (5) new scholarships:
Olivia Watkins Bolling Family Foundation Scholarship
Ruby Lee Smith STEM Scholarship
Brenda F. Scott Achievement Award
Dr. Thaddeus Chapman Foundation Scholarship
Alex Ayers Student Athlete Scholarship
There are now twenty-two (22) scholarships offered by the commission. We are eternally grateful to God for our new additions, and as we move forward, we will continue to seek more donors to help educate our children at the church and in the surrounding community.
Board of Directors
Dr. William E. Flippin, Sr.
Miranda Mack McKenzie
Deborah Heilig
Monica Bussey
G. Mitchell Brown
Chief Financial Officer
Dr. Jacinta Hightower
C0-Chief Financial Officer
Mario Hightower
C0-Chief Financial Officer
Vivian Flagg
Reporting Manager
Dr. James McWhorter
Endowment Chairperson
Deacon Robert Davis
Mary Boone
Shirley Choates
Dee Chaudhary
Jerry Dillard
Christine Evans
Darryl Frazier, Emeritus
Gwendolyn Fulton
Patricia Carter
Beverly Herring
Candace Langston
Sandra Lawton, Emeritus
Denetris Murrell
Dr. Bobbie Neal
Carolyn Rosemond
Cheryl Slater
Carla Smith
Dee Smith
Karen Stancil
Carolyn Wilkerson
Quiana Williams
Willie M. Wilson
Robert Bolling
Candace Langston, Mary Boone, Qiana Williams, Robert Bolling, and Shirley J. Choates are not pictured.
Benefits of
Shelly School
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